Sunday, April 28, 2013

If I could change anything in my society/community, I would change...

It amazing me how many people today lack the ability to care about the world around them. On your commute to school you might see a girl doing their makeup in the mirror while swerving, and someone else fully turned around reaching into their back seat to grab something unimportant while completely forgetting to look at the road in front of them. But the human capacity to overlook major threats and aspects of society is not just limited to driving, no. every day as a Santa Cruz local I witness blunt ignorance and defiance of all things smart. I have seen police officers down town giving homeless peoples tickets for having their bikes on the side walk. How do you expect a homeless person to pay a ticket? Society in my opinion really needs to look at its own self destructive nature, and figure out how to break the cycle. Why do we no longer help people acquire a home and a steady job after getting out of prison? The truth of the matter is, the government needs to stop being controlled by “major money” and needs to start thinking about the bigger picture. What good will your money be if our planet is destroyed? Our over populated planet will not put up with our disrespect and neglect forever. If I could change one thing about our world, it would be the way that humans view their mother earth. If every human had a universal respect for the earth, not only would it unite people, but our source of life would be around for much longer and thrive with us taking care of it.

The fact of the matter is, we know very little about our ocean. So we dump our waist there. We know very little about the vast outer space. So we dump more of our waist there. I hate human blatant disregard for anything that they can’t control or aren’t fully accustomed too. It is ignorant to think that we are the only living things like us in our universe. What will more respectful “beings” think of us when they see all the trash we mindlessly have been dumping for years? What will they think when they see the huge floating mass of trash the size of Texas floating in the ocean? What would you think if you saw jersey shore and knew nothing about the kind, loving, caring aspect of human nature? I believe that what we have been brainwashing the average person with is very dangerous to our future. Not just in a self-destructive kind of way. I believe that the radio waves, TV shows, and trash we send out into space may cause us to accumulate a great deal of enemies, not just earthy enemies. Why human sare not ashamed of what we have become as a whole? One word: money.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

MLA Information

For my Iranian topic report i used online sources.


In MLA style, the works-cited page is double spaced, with the same spacing within and between citations.


Citations beginning with names and those beginning with titles are to be alphabetized together. Numbers in titles are treated as though they have been spelled out. For names, alphabetize based on the letters that come before the comma separating the last name from the first, and disregard any spaces or other punctuation in the last name. For titles, ignore articles such as "a" and "the" (and equivalents in other languages) for alphabetization purposes.

What to include

The title "Works Cited" indicates that the list you provide contains only the works you actually cite in your paper. If you wish to also include in your list works that you consult but do not cite, give your page the broader title "Works Consulted."

Works Cited
Alvarez, Gloria. "Teacher Recalls Land of Rising Sun; Audience Hears Tales of Japan."East New Orleans Picayune 14 Oct. 2001: 4. Print.
Burgum, Edwin Berry, ed. The New Criticism: An Anthology of Modern Aesthetics and Literary Criticism. New York: Prentice-Hall, 1930. Print.
Camus, Albert. The Stranger. Trans. Stuart Gilbert. New York: A. A. Knopf, 1946. Print.
Cassatt, Mary. Mother and Child. Wichita Art Museum, Wichita. American Painting: 1560-1913. By John Pearce. New York: McGraw, 1964. Slide 22. Print.
Day, Nancy, and Alec Foege. "Geisha Guy: Arthur Golden Isn't Japanese, and He Isn't a Woman. But He Does a Brilliant Impersonation in His Smash First Novel." People Weekly23 Nov. 1998: 89. Print.
Delaroche, Paul. Portrait of a Woman. 1829. European Drawings from the Collection of the Ackland Art Museum. By Carol C. Gillham and Carolyn H. Wood. Chapel Hill: The Museum, University of North Carolina, 2001. 93.
Falk, Thomas H. "Herland." Masterplots II. Women's Literature Series. Ed. Frank N. Magill. Vol. 3. Pasadena: Salem, 1995. 1022-1030. Print.
"Gardening Experts Give Insights on Plants that Grow Well Here." Pittsburgh Post-Gazette28 Apr. 2002. LexisNexis Academic. Web. 15 Oct. 2002. <>.
Gigli. Screenplay by Martin Brest. Dir. Martin Brest. Perf. Ben Affleck, Jennifer Lopez, and Christopher Walken. Columbia, 2003. Film.
Gill, Brendan. "B.C. to A.D." The New Yorker 58.13 (17 May 1982): 110-115. Print. Rpt. in "Athol Fugard." Contemporary Literary Criticism. Ed. Jean C. Stine. Vol. 25. Detroit: Gale Research, 1983. 173-178.
Haas, Stephanie. "Introduction to Database Concepts and Applications." School of Information and Library Science. U. of NC at Chapel Hill, Jan.-May 2007. Web. 16 Apr. 2009. <>.
Hirota, Akiko. "The Tale of Gengi: From Heian Classic to Heisei Comic." Journal of Popular Culture 31.2 (Fall 1997): 29-68. Print.
Iko, Momoko. "Gold Watch." Unbroken Thread: An Anthology of Plays by Asian American Women. Ed. Roberta Uno. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 1993. 105-154. Print.
Ishiguro, Kazuo. The Remains of the Day. Boston: Faber, 1989. Print.
Kincaid, Jason. "The Sorry State of Online Privacy." TechCrunch. N.p., 26 Apr. 2009. Web. 28 Apr. 2009. <>.
John's First Birthday Party. Personal photography by Lisa Newman. May 22, 2009.
Motley, Archibald John, Jr. Mending Socks. 1924. Oil on canvas. Ackland Art Museum, Chapel Hill, NC. ARTstor. 30 No. 2010, <>
"Once a Jerk, Always a Jerk - and the Whole Town Loves Him." The Charlotte Observer 8 Oct. 2002: 10A. Print.
Reider, Noriko T. "The Appeal of Kaidan Tales of the Strange." Asian Folklore Studies59.2 (2000): 265-284. Academic Search Premier. Web. 6 Feb. 2002. <>.
Willett, Perry, ed. Victorian Women Writers Project. Indiana U., Apr. 1997. Web. 16 Apr. 2009. <>.
Windholz, Anne M. "An Emigrant and a Gentleman: Imperial Masculinity, British Magazines, and the Colony That Got Away." Victorian Studies 42.4 (1999/2000): 631-658. Project Muse. Web. 27 Feb. 2002. <>.

This was a good example of how to use an MLA citation correctly. in the beginning it tells you what you will need to do a MLA citation  and what order they should be in. the link also described what sort of spacing to use and punctuation. this information helped me correct my paper. library 10 is moderately helpful. they give you plenty of examples. having to teach yourself is not easy though. some of the videos they wanted me to watch online didn't work, so i had to guess. library 10 shouldn't be required, it is a really hard thing to keep up with while in your regular English class.